Bricoteam asbl
Bricoteam becomes Bricoteam vzw! From January 1, 2024, Bricoteam will continue to operate under the wings of Bricoteam vzw. (em) Powered by EVA bxl means something: Bricoteam was created by EVA bxl in the early 2000s. Ingrid Van den Mooter took the fledgling organization under her wing from 2006 and within the possibilities of EVA bxl she worked together with Fatou Balde, the construction team and many colleagues to develop the Bricoteam into the now widely known quality service. It is now time for the next step in the growth of Bricoteam. They found a new home at Poutrel. We wish Bricoteam asbl a strong new beginning and would like to thank them for the fine cooperation of the past years.
TEAM EVA bxl asbl
Rolling up your sleeves: that literally happens at Bricoteam asbl. Brussels residents from different backgrounds learn the tricks of the handyman and renovation trade from real steelworkers. They work under the supervision of their foreman on the many large and small construction sites of Brussels families and organizations. They gain all the experience they need to become accomplished and rigorous building maintenance workers and to provide our clients with a more pleasant living environment.
Bricoteam asbl repairs and renovates in all Brussels residents. The jobs are done professionally. We work efficiently and at a good pace. Customers can rest assured: we take care of a job from A to Z; from quotation, over materials to a beautiful finish. We have fair prices, linked to your income.
Fatou Balde 02/274 01 95
Partners: Bonnevie, Chambéry, Social Rental Offices, counselling services, social services of CPAS, local community centres and many other referrers and partners.
With support from Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, Actiris and the Brussels-Capital Region