Culture-sensitive care ambassadors: You don’t know what you’re missing

This publication is the result of a unique collaboration between EVA bxl and a whole range of partners: Knowledge Center Welfare Living Care, VUB Belgian Ageing Studies, Aksent, Family Aid, Solidarity for Families, Home Care Brabant, Group Intro and Odisee – Knowledge Center Higher Institute for Family Sciences. Together they put their shoulders under the innovative project of culture-sensitive care ambassadors. This publication is a review of this project. But is above all an invitation to continue working with these insights and inspiration in Brussels or in your own environment. What exactly is it about? Based on its experience in the Brussels Brabant neighborhood around living and care, EVA vzw found that home care is often
a noble unknown. Vulnerable seniors hardly ever call on a home care service. There are also many
job-seekers with (informal) care experience in the same neighborhood who want to make caregiving their profession. We launched the project “Innovative neighborhood care model
tailored to a vulnerable neighborhood,” an ambitious title. We examined how we could build a bridge between this new target group and seniors in the neighborhood. We called on the expertise of experience experts and care facilities.

  • How do we appeal to the talents of job seekers with healthcare experience who are eager to take on a role as a culturally sensitive healthcare ambassador?
  • How should home care be organized to reach those vulnerable seniors and give them the care they need?

The project has taught us that there are sufficient germs and starting points to further explore and strengthen the path we have taken, both inside and outside Brussels. There is no doubt that there is untapped talent that wants to work professionally in the care sector and that this can be a gift to the elderly and home care services. In this publication you will find 4 bundles:

