Making the labor market more accessible to hidden and untapped talents
Every talent deserves a place in the job market, but when you look at the job market, you quickly notice that people from immigrant backgrounds are underrepresented. Their talent is often overlooked by recruiters when they are already struggling to enter the job market. Barriers include education level, language skills and social network.
Unity makes power
Anyone who has set foot in Brussels knows how diverse our capital city is. So isn’t it a shame if all that talent goes unnoticed? So it was high time to do something about it. This issue transcends the national level so a transnational ESF project was perfect for this purpose. The EME project was born: Empowering Migrants for Employment. Together with our partners from Finland and Sweden we rolled up our sleeves to tackle this issue. By sharing all our knowledge and experience with each other, we have come up with ideas to increase the employment rate of people with a migration background.
And we in all that?
Together with our partners, we have established all kinds of projects. In Brussels, we launched the ESF project Cultural Sensitive Care Ambassadors: Valorizing Talents+. initiated. A project that targets people with some experience in (in)formal care to train them as culture-sensitive care ambassadors. Having insufficient knowledge and experience, being less educated and/or having poor language skills does not mean being less competent. Those are all prejudices. Let’s put all those prejudices aside and discover those hidden and untapped talents. Be sure to check out our project if you want to know more about it.
We leave our mark
All projects brought to fruition are collected in one place: the EME website. You will find all kinds of information about the EME project in general, but also all the separate projects with their approach and various working methods.
With the financial support of ESF (Flanders and Europe)
The EME project was supported by EVA bxl, TSL (Finland), Pitea Kommun (Sweden) and AFB (Sweden)