District in action
It is impressively diverse, in the Schaarbeek neighborhood of Brabant. The neighborhood is among the poorest in the Region, is densely populated and seems to be a popular passage for commuters, customers of Brabant Street and for prostitute visitors.
EVA bxl has been active in this neighborhood for years and knows better than anyone that a good number of residents feel abandoned. Too often the focus is on problems, overlooking people’s potential.
The project CitizenDev – the citizens involved call it Neighborhood in Action/Quarter and Action – detects this potential and gives people the opportunity to further develop their talents. The neighborhood classroom is led by citizens and exudes dynamism, as learning and realization take place together. Citizens are responsible for the ins and outs of the neighborhood classroom.
There is life in the community center that houses meaningful initiatives such as a repair shop, a clothing exchange, a phone line, a school support initiative for children and the elderly. And residents continue to come up with new ideas….
Tastes like more info?
Secretariat 02/274 01 90 secretariaat@evabxl.be
Partners: Bral, CLTB, Saint-Louis, ULB, Maison Biloba House, Brede school Noord and several local partners and local residents from the Brabant neighborhood.
With support from Innoviris (call Co-Create), the Brabant North urban renewal contract – St. Lazarus, Renovas and themunicipality of Schaerbeek.