With sitting still, nothing moves

We look – actively – for prevailing social needs and do something about them. Not on our own, but always in consultation with stakeholders. We do not look at gender, age, cultural origin, socioeconomic status or religious belief, but see the strength, talent and potential of every human being. And that is what we work with.

The heart of EVA bxl

Our core values are sacred. Internally and externally they are our signboard, they tell a clear, strong and unified story no matter what and keep our noses pointed in the same direction.

  • Solidarity in diversity

    We create new forms of collaboration and connect despite or better because of differences in origin, language, gender, cultural frames of reference, age.

  • Creative and innovative

    It can be done differently. EVA bxl proves that. In our initiatives, everyone, but everyone, moves forward.

  • Co-construction

    We swear by close and transparent collaboration. The wisdom and commitment of each party involved are indispensable to us. Those who actively
    listen, understand. Those who understand, find solutions.

  • Consistent

    Words become deeds and result in innovative projects, for and by
    all involved.

A good start

With every project, our first step – always – is dialogue. No mono and solo at EVA bxl, but co-construction. We talk to those involved so that we recognize and perfectly understand the social needs.

Then we put our heads together, looking for innovative solutions. From those brainstorms, exemplary projects are born and set up in various types and forms. We all have one goal in mind: to create opportunities for higher income, dignified work and expanded opportunities for development.

Everyone – yes, everyone – ahead

Everyone has the right to a good education, warm care, decent housing, gainful employment.

Unfortunately, reality tells a different story. Rules of facilities and (care) systems are often not attuned to diversity and urban life-as-it-is.

Especially (low-skilled) Brussels residents with little income or an immigrant background fall by the wayside as a result. That is why EVA bxl is constructively looking for alternatives for an inclusive, solidarity-based society.

And when we say everyone forward, we also mean everyone: users, employees, volunteers, partners; when we all take steps in the right direction, we grow as an organization and as individuals.

Resilience in power

We are convinced: those who work feel connected to society. And that goes hand in hand with good energy and self-respect. EVA bxl goes the extra mile to create opportunities wherever possible.

Progress is also important on a personal level. Having a network, being recognized for expertise or having the opportunity to develop talents: our co-constructive approach makes the difference every time.

When institutions and facilities are inclusive, society reaps the benefits. A resilient society adequately responds to current needs and prevents rather than cures.

From friction to brilliance

Whether we don’t then often get wind of the situation? Of course, that happens. Friction is part of it. But we don’t let ourselves get off the hook easily. And realize that awareness and change take time.

We thoroughly test and evaluate the solutions we devise with stakeholders for today’s social problems. That is why we always stand behind our initiatives as a block. Because the projects prove not only that our gut feeling is right, but also that our expertise actually pays off.