Culture-sensitive Care Ambassadors: Valorizing talents+
The transnational ESF project “Culturally Sensitive Care Ambassadors: Valorizing Talents+” aims to make visible, strengthen and valorize the potential of job seekers with a migrant background and with informal care experience. These individuals represent a lot of talent. Their potential is too often overlooked, but they can assume a meaningful role within the care sector. EVA bxl wants to play this trump card by developing an accessible and attractive apprenticeship program to become a culturally sensitive care ambassador for this group. EVA bxl is hereby inspired by the cooperation with transnational partners from Finland and Sweden. Under the banner “Empowering Migrants for Employment” (EME), EVA bxl, TSL, the municipality of Pitea and ABF are learning from each other’s good practices to improve the employment of persons with a migration background. Together, the transnational partners are strengthening their practical knowledge on inclusive approaches to vocational training. Are you also curious about what the Finnish and Swedish partners are up to? The results of the mutual learning and evaluation process are visible on the EME project website. Also discover the untapped talent of the care ambassadors through this video and discover our experiences and lessons learned through the interactive website HERE.”.
Parners: Knowledge Center WWZ, VUB – BAS, Group INTRO, Brusselleer, Aksent, Familiehulp, Medikuregem, Cosmos, Maison Biloba Huis, Gammes, Arbetarnas bildningsförbund, Piteå Kommun, Työväen Sivistysliitto and many others.
With support from ESF (Flanders and Europe)